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Is there something wrong with my tree?22/8/2022 Have you noticed something wrong with your tree? Do you think there might not be well? Here is a quick guide on how to visually check your tree.
Base of the tree Start by examining the roots. Are there signs of the ground heaving up, severed roots or signs of decay or fungi, such as mushrooms? Tree Trunk Then move up towards the tree trunk - just above the soil. Can you see any loose bark, cracks or deep slits or peeling? Inspect the rest of the trunk for signs of decay, such as signs of swelling, cavities, soft or decaying wood or small holes. Canopy Finally, look up at the canopy, the upper layer of branches and leaves. Can you see any signs of:
Does the structure of your tree seem unstable? Perhaps it is time to remove your tree. If you have any concerns about your tree and would like one of our qualified arborists to come and inspect your tree, just give us a call. We will advise you on what we think is the best treatment for the tree, or whether it would be better to have the tree removed. Let us help you ensure the best care for your trees. Chelmsford Tree Surgeon is made up of a team of professional arborists that love working with trees all year round across Essex covering: Billericay, Chelmsford, Hatfield Peveral, Ingatestone, Maldon, Margaretting, Stock and surrounding areas. Give us a call today on 01245 527 053. If you are in need of any of the following services, please give us a call: Emergency Tree Services Tree Pruning Tree Removal Stump Removal Site Clearance Crown Reduction Crown Lifting Crown Thinning Hedge Trimming
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It is always good to have trees in your back garden. Not only do they make your garden look beautiful, but they also provide various benefits such as reducing heat by cooling your home with its shade and lessen air pollution. It also adds value to properties.
However, neglected trees can die and become hazardous; keep reading to learn what the warnings signs are...
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Probably the most influential ways in which you can ensure that your garden plants, shrubs and trees develop and grow well in your landscape garden is protection and possibly the most important type of protection that is required is protection against wind damage. Virtually all of the trees and shrubs which grow in your garden can be seriously damaged, even fatally, by heavy winds in any number of different ways. One of the incredibly effective ways in which you can vastly decrease wind damage is by installing windbreak netting around the boundaries and using tree shelters on all of your younger trees. The use of tree shelters can dramatically reduce, or even halt completely, any wind damage to fresh leaves, buds and shoots. These amazingly useful gadgets can create a complete or partial barrier to the wind. Netting reduces the speed and ferocity of wind but not it's direction whereas tree shelters, especially circular/round types will deflect the flow. As the wind blows the trees backwards and forwards it can cause damage to the roots especially the important, very fine, fibrous roots. Together with the fact that wind can also increase osmosis, trees left exposed to such weather can, very quickly become severely dehydrated. Sadly, protecting any species of tree in severely exposed locations can be extremely difficult and you will, most likely, discover that the only effective protection would be the use of both tree shelters and windbreak netting. Inside the tree shelter is a wonderful environment which encourages quick, and high quality, growth, with the trees often growing at six times the rate of those without shelter. The twin walled tree shelters offer the perfect level of insulation to ensure a more stable temperature and, with sufficient light getting through to further warm the air, trees grow with stronger stems and trunks with few side shoots. Nearly all tree shelters, either light weight or heavy weight, are manufactured from an amazingly strong and long lasting type of opaque or clear polyethylene this results in products which are considerably lighter than those made from an alternative substance. Because they are mass produced items and the material used is plentiful and not very expensive it costs very little to purchase a large number of shelters, another factor in keeping down the price is that they are really easy to flat pack resulting in transportation which is easy and cheap with even the heavy weight models are light weight. If you have chosen to live in a coastal location, you will soon discover that tree shelters are also a great solution to the annoying problem of salt damage. Protecting against salt damage is, more than likely the only way to make sure that some species of tree flourish in your vicinity. Windbreak netting is also a cool, easy way in which to increase protection against salt damage. Windbreak netting is also good for reducing sunlight in very bright positions as it restricts sunlight by forty to fifty percent. Windbreak netting and tree shelters are also required if you reside in a neighborhood where animals are a problem. Tree shelters will stop any damage caused by browsing animals such as rabbits, dear and the likes. The spiral types have been designed for this reason and are most probably the best choice. Windbreak netting is unlikely to stop rabbits because it is commonly made from a mesh of polyethylene but it will most likely stop other creatures. If your trees are located in a vulnerable position that leaves you feeling worried about their vulnerability, then book an appointment with us by calling 01245 527 053. We can inspect your trees and assess how they would fare in the event of high winds and storms. Don't leave it until after a storm, when you'll need our emergency tree service, call us for an inspection today.
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Can a tree affect a TV signal?20/11/2019 You may not know that trees can have an effect on the reception of television and satellite broadcasts.
A TV signal is similar to light waves. As with light, objects such as hills, buildings, or tall trees can obstruct or deflect the UHF signals, creating deep shadow patterns, which makes reception difficult. The screening effect of trees has a further disadvantage in that it can vary greatly with the season and weather conditions, and is especially important in areas where television signals are weak. Tree can be responsible for blocking signals. What’s interesting is that it’s actually the leaves that block the signal – not the trunk. As leaves grow, they act as bigger and bigger aerials themselves and block the signals from getting to the aerial within your property. When leaves get wet, the problem can worsen and make things so bad that you will find that your picture breaks up or occasionally disappears altogether. If the trees around your home are below the height of your roof, you should be OK, as long as your TV aerial is above the roofline. If you live in an area with lots of trees, it is possible to mount your aerial to a pole, which is attached to your chimney – this will give you the best possible clearance from the trees. When deciding the height of an aerial, allowance should be made for growth of the tree. If the aerial cannot be mounted above the tops of the trees, the signal will inevitably be weakened in passing through the trees. This is not necessarily the end of your TV watching as there are other gadgets out there to help boost the signal. If you find that you are constantly getting a bad signal, your only other solution may be to fell or pollard the tree(s) to below your aerial height. You will need to be sure that you have permission to cut the tree. Make sure you hire a professional tree-surgeon to undertake the safe cutting down of your tree. What is the difference between felling a tree and pollarding a tree? Tree felling is cutting down a tree completely, whereas pollarding a tree is a form of pruning it. If you don’t want to cut down the tree completely you could opt for crown thinning. This keeps the overall size of the tree, but the density of the branches is removed. The main branches of the tree are kept intact, however the unneeded secondary branches are then removed, so that light (and your tv signal) can pass through more easily. Give us a call on 01245 527 053 to book an appointment for your property. Tree Services we offer: Emergency Tree Services | Tree Pruning | Tree Removal | Stump Removal | Stump Grinding | Crown Lifting | Crown Thinning | Hedge Trimming |